My reflections on a meeting with a father and his possible feelings
surrounding his daughter.
Inspiration is the basis for life success. A journey becomes the path one travels toward that success. Success is not necessarily easily attained - but this is the test. A spiritual journey of faith based upon inspiration, journey and life's lessons.
Each of us on some level tries to elevate ourselves to a new height, a higher standing, a better way of living. Unfortunately, that is why we don't get where we want to be, because we are trying to do it. The power is right where we are. The power is the essence of all that is good. The power is divine. When we believe in the power and seek to make conscious contact with it, the power, not the self, will bring into our lives the very things we are struggling to do. The power will operate in all of our affairs, going before us to prepare our path. The power wants joy, peace, perfect health, abundant wealth and loving relationships for us. The power is the living spirit within buried beneath the personality, ego, perceptions, fears and doubts. The power is the truth of who we are. The power is available; all we have to do is invite it forward and move out of the way. Today, I believe I Am one with the living spirit who will do the work through me and for me.